TV Guard Protector is a practical power protection device that can provide comprehensive protection for electrical equipment such as TVs, reducing damage and malfunctions caused by power problems.
MoreMultiple plug surge protectors can be used in various scenarios to help protect electronic devices from power surges and overloads.
MoreRefrigerator voltage protector is a device used to protect household refrigerators from voltage fluctuations (overvoltage, overvoltage, lightning).
MoreSometimes there are various external factors that prevent the electricity supply from remaining stable and homogeneous, factors which produce voltage spikes. It is important to know how to identify the factors behind this and to prevent any consequences.
MoreLightning is the visible discharge of static electricity within a cloud, between clouds, or between the earth and clouds.
MoreFundamentally, both timers are similar in that they provide a delay period that the relay remains energised for from an initial trigger. However, the trigger method for both is different.
MoreKnowing about lightning surges, how lightning strikes, its unpredictability, where it comes from, can assist you in making the right decision around protecting against it.
MoreDo you know your home has 240 and 120-volt outlets? If not, you must know the difference between the two before starting any electric work at your home. In this article of 120 Volt Outlet, you will know everything You Need To Know. You should know it before even moving your appliances. The volts are the degree of current or pressure which the equipment needs to function correctly. Although you will mostly find 120-volt outlets everywhere in your house, some heavy equipment needs 240-volt Output and plug power to perform.
MoreA single bolt of lightning packs thousands of amperes of current and up to one billion volts of energy. We hear numerous incidents of lost lives and damage to humans, animals or property caused by lightning attacks. The boost in electrical voltage caused by a lightning, also called a surge, can damage your home and expensive electrical equipment considerably. Most of our homes today are replete with fancy and pricey electronics systems such as smart TVs, exclusive sound systems, high-end gaming consoles, blu-ray players etc. Any sort of damage to any of them is enough to burn a huge hole in wallet.
MoreA surge protector is more than just a power strip to give you additional useable outlets; it is an affordable way to protect your electronics from random power surges that can cause permanent electrical damage. Here is how surge protectors or surge suppressors work to protect your appliances and how to use them safely to prevent fires.
MoreLightning is known to be the most significant source of surges—bolts have been recorded to have a million to a billion volts and between 10,000 to 200,000 amps. However, lightning only makes up a portion of all transient events in a facility. Because transients can originate from both external sources (like lightning) and internal sources, facilities ought to have both a lightning protection system and surge protection installed. This begs the question: what is the difference between these two systems, and how do they work together?
MoreElectrical malfunctions cause deaths, injuries, and incredible amounts of property damage each year. While some causes are obvious at first glance, there are more insidious and hidden dangers that can lurk within the home. A loose electrical outlet can cause a fire to break out without you ever knowing there was a problem in the first place. If you're looking to avoid a fiery near future then you're in the right place. We'll show you why loose outlets are such a danger and how you can help to prevent a fire from breaking out behind the wall.